6 Indian Super Foods: During Pregnancy Weeks
Pregnancy can be stressful, with all the changes happening to your body and the general feeling of nausea that often strikes around week seven or eight. In addition, it can sometimes seem like you’re constantly hungry, and avoiding certain kinds of food makes it even more challenging to keep your energy up and stay full. So whether you’re craving something from back home in India or need some extra nutrition while pregnant, here are some of the best Indian superfoods that women should eat during pregnancy.
6 Indian Super Foods
Pregnancy can be stressful, with all the changes happening to your body and the general feeling of nausea that often strikes around week seven or eight. In addition, it can sometimes seem like you’re constantly hungry, and avoiding certain kinds of food makes it even more challenging to keep your energy up and stay full.
1)Dried fruits
Fruits such as apricots, figs, and raisins are high in carbohydrates, which provide your body with energy. In addition to providing you with an instant energy boost, dried fruits also contain vitamins A and C. Dried fruits can also help satisfy cravings for sweet foods and prevent you from reaching for unhealthy snacks. As a bonus, dried fruits have a long shelf life and are convenient to carry in your purse or briefcase.
One great way to add more nutrition to your diet is by consuming fish. Tuna, salmon, herring and sardines are among your best bets for healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Fish may also be one of your cheapest sources of protein.
3) Rice and pulses
Rice is a complex carbohydrate. Complex carbs release their sugars more slowly, which helps you feel full longer and regulate your blood sugar levels, especially if you have gestational diabetes. Pulses (beans, peas, lentils) are some of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods and a rich source of vegetarian protein; they also help control blood sugar levels. For example, 50 gm of dry green beans provides 31 gm of protein and only 9 gm of carbohydrates.
You’re most likely already eating spinach. But if you aren’t, add it to your diet. Popeye was onto something when he loved his spinach so much! Spinach is full of vitamin A and iron, two essential nutrients for a healthy pregnancy and good eyesight. Vitamin A is also suitable for heart health and immunity. Enjoy spinach with eggs, as a smoothie ingredient or in salads.
Rich in Vitamin C, tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidants and minerals. During pregnancy, they can help prevent premature birth by strengthening uterine muscles. In addition, a recent study has found that moms who consumed large amounts of lycopene, a carotenoid pigment present in tomatoes and other red fruits such as watermelon and guava, were less likely to develop preeclampsia.
Rich in calcium, protein and probiotics, yoghurt is a great way to get your daily dose of healthy fats. It’s a fantastic source of calcium, mainly if you eat it with a dollop of honey! It also helps prevent constipation and morning sickness; it can be eaten as a snack or for breakfast. Always opt for plain organic yoghurt instead of flavoured ones high in sugar and artificial colours.
Words Of Wisdom
Dairy products, including yoghurt and buttermilk, are an excellent source of calcium, which is a vital nutrient during pregnancy. Drinking at least 1 cup each day can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Also, be sure to purchase low-fat or fat-free varieties, as total fat dairy products can lead to unwanted weight gain during pregnancy.