Baby names with Christian Origin
Since the birth of Jesus, there have been several names of Christian origin. Christian names mostly originate from the saints or followers of Jesus Christ. Here, is a list of names for babies of Christian origin
David is a Hebrew male name meaning “beloved” or “prophet”. The ancient Israelites recognized David as one of the three great Kings of Israel, and he was regarded until his Jewishness as one of their greatest heroes in Hebrew history. The name David was used as one of the most popular baby names in the USA from 1880-to 1920. In England, David was the third-most-popular name given to baby boys in 2007
Gabriel/Gabrielle is a Hebrew male or female name meaning “God’s hero”, which comes from the Bible. The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26). Gabriel has also been used as a male name meaning “God is my strength” or “God is my help”. The name was among the most popular baby names in the USA from the 1880s to 1930.
James is a Hebrew male name meaning “supplanter” or “wonder-worker”. According to the New Testament of the Bible, James was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. In some English-speaking countries, he is often referred to as James without his initials or just as James. His family name is from a Hebrew word that means “to be powerful” or “the mighty one”. The name was among the most popular baby names in the USA from the 1880s to 1930.
John is a Hebrew male name meaning “favored by God”. John is regarded as an important figure for Christ’s followers and is also mentioned in most of his letters (John 8:22; 19:34; 20:24). The name John has been among the most popular baby names in the USA from the 1880s to 1930.
Michael is a Hebrew male name meaning “He who is like God” or “He who is like El”. Michael is the name of an archangel in the bible, and he is said to be the chief of all angels. The name Michael has seen tremendous popularity in Europe and America since the 1900s.
Paul is a Hebrew male name meaning “small” or “humble”. The name Paul is a nickname for his original name Saul and it was given after he became a Christian. The name was among the top 10 most popular baby names in England in 2007 and has been used as one of the most popular names given to boys since the 1880s and is still a very popular choice among parents today.
Matthew is a Hebrew male name meaning “gift from God”. Matthew is considered one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and is referred to as Levi in the New Testament of the Bible. It has been among the most popular names given to boys since the 1900s and is still a very popular name for newborns today.
So, these were the 7 most popular baby names of Christian origin. You may have a different opinion on this but we hope that you will be able to find a name for your newborn that is perfect for him or her.