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Baby Care and Pregnancy Care


Generally, popular ketogenic resources suggest an average of 70-80% fat from total daily calories, 5-10%[...]


It’s always important to eat a balanced diet — and it’s even more important when[...]

Diet and Breast Feeding

Nutritional status of the mother has a direct influence on the quality and quantity of[...]

Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Heat Rashes in Babies

Babies' skin is highly sensitive, making heat rash one of the children's most prevalent skin[...]

Home Remedies for cold and cough for 0-6 month baby

Cold and cough are very common issues among young kids and infants. In particular, the[...]

Best Home Remedies to Treat Your Baby’s Fever

Taking care of a small baby is not an easy task. Notably, the parents of[...]

How to Cure Wheezing in Infants

left">Does your infant make a whistling kind of noise often while breathing? If yes, then[...]

How to Cure Vomiting at Home for Infants

While you may be new to parenthood, watching your child vomit and suffer might give[...]

How to Cure Dry Cough in Babies: 8 Simple and Quick Home Remedies

Coughing is quite frequent among infants. Irritants frequently enter the lungs during inhaling, w

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Constipation In Infants

If your baby cannot poop properly, they possibly have constipation. Many children face the proble

Home Remedies for Loose Motions in infants: 5 effective home remedies!

Loose motions, also known as diarrhea, are when the body’s bowel movements become disturbed. This

Easy Home Remedies To Treat Nappy Rash In Newborn Babies

The small red bumps on your little one’s bottom can be a concerning aspect for[...]

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