Popular Trending Baby Boy Name

Data Found (Start with: I)

Name Meaning Likes
IbrahimProphet Abraham76.4k +
IdhantLuminous52.8k +
IdrakComprehension, Perception55.4k +
IdrisProphet's name (Enoch in English)48.4k +
IftikharHonor, Pride75.9k +
IhabGift, Present42.4k +
IhtiramHonor, Respect48.7k +
IjazMiracle, Inimitability44.7k +
IjlalMajesty, Grandeur76.3k +
IkshanSight, Vision55.2k +
IlanGood person69.8k +
IleshLord of Earth57.2k +
IlhanRuler, Lord49.4k +
IlyasProphet Elijah77.7k +
ImadSupport, Pillar74.1k +
ImranName of the father of Mary, Mother of Jesus41k +
ImtiazDistinction, Excellence80.7k +
InamGift, Present47.4k +
IndrabhA celestial musician35.9k +
IndranilSapphire68.5k +
Ibrahim (Boy)
Prophet Abraham
76.4k + Read More
Idhant (Boy)
52.8k + Read More
Idrak (Boy)
Comprehension, Perception
55.4k + Read More
Idris (Boy)
Prophet's name (Enoch in English)
48.4k + Read More
Iftikhar (Boy)
Honor, Pride
75.9k + Read More
Ihab (Boy)
Gift, Present
42.4k + Read More
Ihtiram (Boy)
Honor, Respect
48.7k + Read More
Ijaz (Boy)
Miracle, Inimitability
44.7k + Read More
Ijlal (Boy)
Majesty, Grandeur
76.3k + Read More
Ikshan (Boy)
Sight, Vision
55.2k + Read More
Ilan (Boy)
Good person
69.8k + Read More
Ilesh (Boy)
Lord of Earth
57.2k + Read More
Ilhan (Boy)
Ruler, Lord
49.4k + Read More
Ilyas (Boy)
Prophet Elijah
77.7k + Read More
Imad (Boy)
Support, Pillar
74.1k + Read More
Imran (Boy)
Name of the father of Mary, Mother of Jesus
41k + Read More
Imtiaz (Boy)
Distinction, Excellence
80.7k + Read More
Inam (Boy)
Gift, Present
47.4k + Read More
Indrabh (Boy)
A celestial musician
35.9k + Read More
Indranil (Boy)
68.5k + Read More

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