Popular Trending Baby Boy Name

Name Meaning Likes
BaalaarkThe rising sun55.7k +
BaalkrishnaYoung krishna81.8k +
BaanbhattName of an ancient poet50.4k +
Baanke BihaariName of Krishna74.6k +
BaasimSmiling75.3k +
BaaskaranOne who shines like the sun60.3k +
BabhruFire63.1k +
BabhrumalinFirekeeper69.6k +
BabumohanQuick to take decision35.6k +
BadalCloud43.5k +
Badavagnimare's fire60.3k +
Badhanandahaving pleasure, attached, joyful49.1k +
BadriLord Vishnu38.3k +
BadrinathLord Vishnu78.4k +
BagiraLoving & Nurturing69.5k +
BahaBeautiful, Magnificent78.7k +
Baha UdeenThe magnificent of the Faith40.2k +
Bahiy UdeenThe magnificent of the Faith75.8k +
BahuArm67.6k +
BahulaBroad, ample49k +
Baalaark (Boy)
The rising sun
55.7k + Read More
Baalkrishna (Boy)
Young krishna
81.8k + Read More
Baanbhatt (Boy)
Name of an ancient poet
50.4k + Read More
Baanke Bihaari (Boy)
Name of Krishna
74.6k + Read More
Baasim (Boy)
75.3k + Read More
Baaskaran (Boy)
One who shines like the sun
60.3k + Read More
Babhru (Boy)
63.1k + Read More
Babhrumalin (Boy)
69.6k + Read More
Babumohan (Boy)
Quick to take decision
35.6k + Read More
Badal (Boy)
43.5k + Read More
Badavagni (Boy)
mare's fire
60.3k + Read More
Badhananda (Boy)
having pleasure, attached, joyful
49.1k + Read More
Badri (Boy)
Lord Vishnu
38.3k + Read More
Badrinath (Boy)
Lord Vishnu
78.4k + Read More
Bagira (Boy)
Loving & Nurturing
69.5k + Read More
Baha (Boy)
Beautiful, Magnificent
78.7k + Read More
Baha Udeen (Boy)
The magnificent of the Faith
40.2k + Read More
Bahiy Udeen (Boy)
The magnificent of the Faith
75.8k + Read More
Bahu (Boy)
67.6k + Read More
Bahula (Boy)
Broad, ample
49k + Read More

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