Muslim Baby Name

Name Meaning Likes
GhumaisaHer cheeks are rosy57.4k +
GhunaimOne who obtains booty58.4k +
GhurrahVeil, Covering60k +
GhusunBranches, Twigs57.8k +
GoharPrecious stone, Jewel55.1k +
GulRose60.6k +
GulnarPomegranate flower39.5k +
GulnazPride of flowers67.4k +
GulzarGarden42.3k +
HabibBeloved, Darling71.3k +
HadiGuide, Leader57.3k +
HadiyaGuide68.2k +
HafeezProtector, Guardian58.9k +
HafsaYoung lioness60.4k +
HafsahYoung lioness55k +
HaidarLion-hearted41.5k +
HaiderLion76.4k +
HaifaDelicate, Slender68.1k +
HajarProphet Ishmael's mother63.6k +
HajraProphet Ibrahim's wife71.2k +
Ghumaisa (Girl)
Her cheeks are rosy
57.4k + Read More
Ghunaim (Boy)
One who obtains booty
58.4k + Read More
Ghurrah (Girl)
Veil, Covering
60k + Read More
Ghusun (Unisex)
Branches, Twigs
57.8k + Read More
Gohar (Unisex)
Precious stone, Jewel
55.1k + Read More
Gul (Unisex)
60.6k + Read More
Gulnar (Girl)
Pomegranate flower
39.5k + Read More
Gulnaz (Girl)
Pride of flowers
67.4k + Read More
Gulzar (Unisex)
42.3k + Read More
Habib (Boy)
Beloved, Darling
71.3k + Read More
Hadi (Boy)
Guide, Leader
57.3k + Read More
Hadiya (Girl)
68.2k + Read More
Hafeez (Boy)
Protector, Guardian
58.9k + Read More
Hafsa (Girl)
Young lioness
60.4k + Read More
Hafsah (Girl)
Young lioness
55k + Read More
Haidar (Boy)
41.5k + Read More
Haider (Boy)
76.4k + Read More
Haifa (Girl)
Delicate, Slender
68.1k + Read More
Hajar (Girl)
Prophet Ishmael's mother
63.6k + Read More
Hajra (Girl)
Prophet Ibrahim's wife
71.2k + Read More

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