Muslim Baby Name

Data Found (Start with: H)

Name Meaning Likes
HaniyaPleasant80.3k +
HaniyahPleased, Happy58.7k +
HareemSacred sanctuary72.7k +
HarirSilken52.5k +
HarisGuardian61.2k +
HarithPlowman, Cultivator75.6k +
HaroonProphet Aaron81.5k +
HasanHandsome48.3k +
HasanahGood, Beautiful37.7k +
HaseebRespected, Esteemed60.1k +
HashimCrusher, Destroyer of Evil79.2k +
HashirOne who assembles36.1k +
HasibRespected, Noble70.3k +
HasnaBeautiful47.1k +
HayatLife66.3k +
HaydarLion74.1k +
HazimStrict43.7k +
HibaGift51.7k +
HidayahGuidance36.5k +
HikmahWisdom78.1k +
Haniya (Girl)
80.3k + Read More
Haniyah (Girl)
Pleased, Happy
58.7k + Read More
Hareem (Unisex)
Sacred sanctuary
72.7k + Read More
Harir (Girl)
52.5k + Read More
Haris (Boy)
61.2k + Read More
Harith (Boy)
Plowman, Cultivator
75.6k + Read More
Haroon (Boy)
Prophet Aaron
81.5k + Read More
Hasan (Boy)
48.3k + Read More
Hasanah (Girl)
Good, Beautiful
37.7k + Read More
Haseeb (Boy)
Respected, Esteemed
60.1k + Read More
Hashim (Boy)
Crusher, Destroyer of Evil
79.2k + Read More
Hashir (Boy)
One who assembles
36.1k + Read More
Hasib (Boy)
Respected, Noble
70.3k + Read More
Hasna (Girl)
47.1k + Read More
Hayat (Girl)
66.3k + Read More
Haydar (Boy)
74.1k + Read More
Hazim (Boy)
43.7k + Read More
Hiba (Girl)
51.7k + Read More
Hidayah (Girl)
36.5k + Read More
Hikmah (Girl)
78.1k + Read More

Sikh Baby Names

Explore a rich array of Muslim baby names, each resonating with deep meanings and cultural heritage. These names reflect the spiritual and diverse traditions of Islam, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Delve into our curated list to find the ideal name that embodies your faith and personal preferences.

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