Muslim Baby Name

Data Found (Baby gender: girl, Start with: I)

Name Meaning Likes
IbtisamSmile52.6k +
IffatChastity, Modesty39.1k +
ImaneFaith, Belief52.3k +
InayaConcern, Care57.3k +
InshirahHappiness, Delight40.2k +
IntisarVictory, Triumph38.9k +
IqraTo read, Recite50.3k +
IramGarden in heaven67.8k +
IrhaaGod's gift, a female deer77.4k +
IsbahLight, Radiance46.6k +
IsraNight journey45.2k +
IzraSacrifice, Blossom36.7k +
IzzahHonor, Power43.6k +
Ibtisam (Girl)
52.6k + Read More
Iffat (Girl)
Chastity, Modesty
39.1k + Read More
Imane (Girl)
Faith, Belief
52.3k + Read More
Inaya (Girl)
Concern, Care
57.3k + Read More
Inshirah (Girl)
Happiness, Delight
40.2k + Read More
Intisar (Girl)
Victory, Triumph
38.9k + Read More
Iqra (Girl)
To read, Recite
50.3k + Read More
Iram (Girl)
Garden in heaven
67.8k + Read More
Irhaa (Girl)
God's gift, a female deer
77.4k + Read More
Isbah (Girl)
Light, Radiance
46.6k + Read More
Isra (Girl)
Night journey
45.2k + Read More
Izra (Girl)
Sacrifice, Blossom
36.7k + Read More
Izzah (Girl)
Honor, Power
43.6k + Read More

Sikh Baby Names

Explore a rich array of Muslim baby names, each resonating with deep meanings and cultural heritage. These names reflect the spiritual and diverse traditions of Islam, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Delve into our curated list to find the ideal name that embodies your faith and personal preferences.

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