Most Popular Baby boy Names

Name Meaning Likes
IlhanRuler, Lord49.4k +
IlyasProphet Elijah77.7k +
ImadSupport, Pillar74.1k +
ImranName of the father of Mary, Mother of Jesus41k +
ImtiazDistinction, Excellence80.7k +
InamGift, Present47.4k +
IndrabhA celestial musician35.9k +
IndranilSapphire68.5k +
IndulalMoon's lustre75.8k +
IndushekharCrested with Moon46.9k +
IneshKing of Kings65.2k +
IqbalProsperity, Good fortune37.4k +
IrayaPowerful, Great47.9k +
IreshLord of the Earth80.6k +
IrfanKnowledge, Awareness43.2k +
IriNumerous, Powerful48.4k +
IrtizaContentment, Satisfaction53.2k +
IsaProphet Jesus (Jesus in English)66.6k +
IsaarSacrifice, Charity66k +
IsarSelflessness, Sacrifice48.4k +
Ilhan (Boy)
Ruler, Lord
49.4k + Read More
Ilyas (Boy)
Prophet Elijah
77.7k + Read More
Imad (Boy)
Support, Pillar
74.1k + Read More
Imran (Boy)
Name of the father of Mary, Mother of Jesus
41k + Read More
Imtiaz (Boy)
Distinction, Excellence
80.7k + Read More
Inam (Boy)
Gift, Present
47.4k + Read More
Indrabh (Boy)
A celestial musician
35.9k + Read More
Indranil (Boy)
68.5k + Read More
Indulal (Boy)
Moon's lustre
75.8k + Read More
Indushekhar (Boy)
Crested with Moon
46.9k + Read More
Inesh (Boy)
King of Kings
65.2k + Read More
Iqbal (Boy)
Prosperity, Good fortune
37.4k + Read More
Iraya (Boy)
Powerful, Great
47.9k + Read More
Iresh (Boy)
Lord of the Earth
80.6k + Read More
Irfan (Boy)
Knowledge, Awareness
43.2k + Read More
Iri (Boy)
Numerous, Powerful
48.4k + Read More
Irtiza (Boy)
Contentment, Satisfaction
53.2k + Read More
Isa (Boy)
Prophet Jesus (Jesus in English)
66.6k + Read More
Isaar (Boy)
Sacrifice, Charity
66k + Read More
Isar (Boy)
Selflessness, Sacrifice
48.4k + Read More

Most Popular Baby boy Names

Stay updated on the latest name trends for boys with our comprehensive list of the top baby boy names of 2024, complete with their meanings. Finding the perfect name for your son has never been simpler. Select a name that is tailored to suit your baby boy perfectly from this curated collection. Shortlist your favorites, gather votes, and make your decision with confidence!

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