Most Popular Baby boy Names

Data Found (Start with: B)

Name Meaning Likes
Bahiy UdeenThe magnificent of the Faith75.8k +
BahuArm67.6k +
BahulaBroad, ample49k +
BahuleyaLord Kartikeya44.1k +
BahuliA star; Plenty52.6k +
BahumanyaHonoured by many67.7k +
BahumargiFollower of many paths45.5k +
BahumitraFriend of many68.7k +
BahumulyaHigh priced80.9k +
BahupatuVery clever78.2k +
BahupradaOne who donates much, liberal38.1k +
BahupriyaDear to many78.3k +
BahusaktiVery powerful45.3k +
BahusastaExcellent, Right, Happy78.7k +
BahuvasinController of many50.3k +
BahuvataStrong armed58.4k +
BahuvikramaVery powerful42.2k +
BahuviryaVery powerful71.6k +
BahyakundaProgressive, Enlightened44.5k +
BajrangA name of Lord Hanuman36.4k +
Bahiy Udeen (Boy)
The magnificent of the Faith
75.8k + Read More
Bahu (Boy)
67.6k + Read More
Bahula (Boy)
Broad, ample
49k + Read More
Bahuleya (Boy)
Lord Kartikeya
44.1k + Read More
Bahuli (Boy)
A star; Plenty
52.6k + Read More
Bahumanya (Boy)
Honoured by many
67.7k + Read More
Bahumargi (Boy)
Follower of many paths
45.5k + Read More
Bahumitra (Boy)
Friend of many
68.7k + Read More
Bahumulya (Boy)
High priced
80.9k + Read More
Bahupatu (Boy)
Very clever
78.2k + Read More
Bahuprada (Boy)
One who donates much, liberal
38.1k + Read More
Bahupriya (Boy)
Dear to many
78.3k + Read More
Bahusakti (Boy)
Very powerful
45.3k + Read More
Bahusasta (Boy)
Excellent, Right, Happy
78.7k + Read More
Bahuvasin (Boy)
Controller of many
50.3k + Read More
Bahuvata (Boy)
Strong armed
58.4k + Read More
Bahuvikrama (Boy)
Very powerful
42.2k + Read More
Bahuvirya (Boy)
Very powerful
71.6k + Read More
Bahyakunda (Boy)
Progressive, Enlightened
44.5k + Read More
Bajrang (Boy)
A name of Lord Hanuman
36.4k + Read More

Most Popular Baby boy Names

Stay updated on the latest name trends for boys with our comprehensive list of the top baby boy names of 2024, complete with their meanings. Finding the perfect name for your son has never been simpler. Select a name that is tailored to suit your baby boy perfectly from this curated collection. Shortlist your favorites, gather votes, and make your decision with confidence!

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