Indian baby Names

Data Found (Start with: F)

Name Meaning Likes
FalishaHappiness, Joy37.1k +
FaloniIntelligent, Brilliant72.3k +
FaneeshLord of serpents80.2k +
FaniSerpent45.7k +
FanibhusanLord Shiva44.6k +
FanibhushanLord shiva43.7k +
FanindraThe cosmic serpent Shesh63.9k +
FanishThe cosmic serpent Shesh68k +
FanishwarLord of serpents, Vasuki70.9k +
FanyaCrown, Garlanded81.7k +
FaraazHeight, Elevation78.7k +
FarahHappiness, Joy66.1k +
FardeenRadiant, Luminous45.2k +
FareehaHappy, Joyful76.5k +
FaresHorseman, Knight65.8k +
FarhadHappiness, Heart80.7k +
FarhanHappy, Joyful72.2k +
FarheenDelightful, Happy66.4k +
FaridUnique, Incomparable38.3k +
FaridaUnique, Precious46.4k +
Falisha (Girl)
Happiness, Joy
37.1k + Read More
Faloni (Girl)
Intelligent, Brilliant
72.3k + Read More
Faneesh (Boy)
Lord of serpents
80.2k + Read More
Fani (Boy)
45.7k + Read More
Fanibhusan (Boy)
Lord Shiva
44.6k + Read More
Fanibhushan (Boy)
Lord shiva
43.7k + Read More
Fanindra (Boy)
The cosmic serpent Shesh
63.9k + Read More
Fanish (Boy)
The cosmic serpent Shesh
68k + Read More
Fanishwar (Boy)
Lord of serpents, Vasuki
70.9k + Read More
Fanya (Girl)
Crown, Garlanded
81.7k + Read More
Faraaz (Boy)
Height, Elevation
78.7k + Read More
Farah (Girl)
Happiness, Joy
66.1k + Read More
Fardeen (Boy)
Radiant, Luminous
45.2k + Read More
Fareeha (Girl)
Happy, Joyful
76.5k + Read More
Fares (Boy)
Horseman, Knight
65.8k + Read More
Farhad (Boy)
Happiness, Heart
80.7k + Read More
Farhan (Boy)
Happy, Joyful
72.2k + Read More
Farheen (Girl)
Delightful, Happy
66.4k + Read More
Farid (Boy)
Unique, Incomparable
38.3k + Read More
Farida (Girl)
Unique, Precious
46.4k + Read More

Indian Baby Names

Discover a diverse collection of Indian baby names, each imbued with beautiful meanings and cultural significance. These names perfectly balance tradition and modernity, offering a unique choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that honors your heritage and reflects your personal style.

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