Hindu Baby Name

Name Meaning Likes
BahaBeautiful, Magnificent78.7k +
Baha UdeenThe magnificent of the Faith40.2k +
Bahiy UdeenThe magnificent of the Faith75.8k +
BahuArm67.6k +
BahulaBroad, ample49k +
BahuleyaLord Kartikeya44.1k +
BahuliA star; Plenty52.6k +
BahumanyaHonoured by many67.7k +
BahumargiFollower of many paths45.5k +
BahumitraFriend of many68.7k +
BahumulyaHigh priced80.9k +
BahupatuVery clever78.2k +
BahupradaOne who donates much, liberal38.1k +
BahupriyaDear to many78.3k +
BahusaktiVery powerful45.3k +
BahusastaExcellent, Right, Happy78.7k +
BahuvasinController of many50.3k +
BahuvataStrong armed58.4k +
BahuvidhaVery intelligent45.7k +
BahuvikramaVery powerful42.2k +
Baha (Boy)
Beautiful, Magnificent
78.7k + Read More
Baha Udeen (Boy)
The magnificent of the Faith
40.2k + Read More
Bahiy Udeen (Boy)
The magnificent of the Faith
75.8k + Read More
Bahu (Boy)
67.6k + Read More
Bahula (Boy)
Broad, ample
49k + Read More
Bahuleya (Boy)
Lord Kartikeya
44.1k + Read More
Bahuli (Boy)
A star; Plenty
52.6k + Read More
Bahumanya (Boy)
Honoured by many
67.7k + Read More
Bahumargi (Boy)
Follower of many paths
45.5k + Read More
Bahumitra (Boy)
Friend of many
68.7k + Read More
Bahumulya (Boy)
High priced
80.9k + Read More
Bahupatu (Boy)
Very clever
78.2k + Read More
Bahuprada (Boy)
One who donates much, liberal
38.1k + Read More
Bahupriya (Boy)
Dear to many
78.3k + Read More
Bahusakti (Boy)
Very powerful
45.3k + Read More
Bahusasta (Boy)
Excellent, Right, Happy
78.7k + Read More
Bahuvasin (Boy)
Controller of many
50.3k + Read More
Bahuvata (Boy)
Strong armed
58.4k + Read More
Bahuvidha (Unisex)
Very intelligent
45.7k + Read More
Bahuvikrama (Boy)
Very powerful
42.2k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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