Hindu Baby Name

Name Meaning Likes
IndusutaDaughter of Indra70.3k +
IneshKing of Kings65.2k +
InikaLittle Earth59.7k +
InuAttractive62.6k +
InukaLittle Earth55.2k +
IpsitaDesired74.2k +
IraEarth39.8k +
IrajaDaughter of the Wind53.4k +
IrayaPowerful, Great47.9k +
IreshLord of the Earth80.6k +
IriNumerous, Powerful48.4k +
IrikaEarth, Worship81.8k +
IrinaPeaceful, Calm69.2k +
IryaPowerful, Noble46.1k +
IshaGoddess Durga67.7k +
IshaalGod's gift60.3k +
IshaanLord Shiva50.1k +
IshaanaGoddess Durga, Ruler78.1k +
IshaaniGoddess Durga58.7k +
IshanLord Shiva54k +
Indusuta (Girl)
Daughter of Indra
70.3k + Read More
Inesh (Boy)
King of Kings
65.2k + Read More
Inika (Girl)
Little Earth
59.7k + Read More
Inu (Girl)
62.6k + Read More
Inuka (Girl)
Little Earth
55.2k + Read More
Ipsita (Girl)
74.2k + Read More
Ira (Girl)
39.8k + Read More
Iraja (Girl)
Daughter of the Wind
53.4k + Read More
Iraya (Boy)
Powerful, Great
47.9k + Read More
Iresh (Boy)
Lord of the Earth
80.6k + Read More
Iri (Boy)
Numerous, Powerful
48.4k + Read More
Irika (Girl)
Earth, Worship
81.8k + Read More
Irina (Girl)
Peaceful, Calm
69.2k + Read More
Irya (Girl)
Powerful, Noble
46.1k + Read More
Isha (Girl)
Goddess Durga
67.7k + Read More
Ishaal (Unisex)
God's gift
60.3k + Read More
Ishaan (Boy)
Lord Shiva
50.1k + Read More
Ishaana (Girl)
Goddess Durga, Ruler
78.1k + Read More
Ishaani (Girl)
Goddess Durga
58.7k + Read More
Ishan (Boy)
Lord Shiva
54k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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