Hindu Baby Name

Data Found (Start with: B)

Name Meaning Likes
BahuvataStrong armed58.4k +
BahuvidhaVery intelligent45.7k +
BahuvikramaVery powerful42.2k +
BahuviryaVery powerful71.6k +
BahyakundaProgressive, Enlightened44.5k +
BairaBrave55k +
BajrangA name of Lord Hanuman36.4k +
BakhtawarOne who brings good luck39.9k +
BakoolFlower53.4k +
BakshiGift or Present37.7k +
BakulaResembling a crane, Another name for siva55.3k +
BalaYoung girl; Child75.4k +
Bala Subramaniangod murugan81.2k +
BalaadityaYoung sun,Young man70.3k +
BalabhadraOne with power, strong, powerful70.7k +
BalachandraYoung moon; Crescent moon42.6k +
BaladaBestower of Strength79.4k +
BaladhiDeep insight59.2k +
BaladhikaBaladhya50.5k +
BaladhityaThe newly risen sun54.8k +
Bahuvata (Boy)
Strong armed
58.4k + Read More
Bahuvidha (Unisex)
Very intelligent
45.7k + Read More
Bahuvikrama (Boy)
Very powerful
42.2k + Read More
Bahuvirya (Boy)
Very powerful
71.6k + Read More
Bahyakunda (Boy)
Progressive, Enlightened
44.5k + Read More
Baira (Girl)
55k + Read More
Bajrang (Boy)
A name of Lord Hanuman
36.4k + Read More
Bakhtawar (Boy)
One who brings good luck
39.9k + Read More
Bakool (Boy)
53.4k + Read More
Bakshi (Girl)
Gift or Present
37.7k + Read More
Bakula (Boy)
Resembling a crane, Another name for siva
55.3k + Read More
Bala (Girl)
Young girl; Child
75.4k + Read More
Bala Subramanian (Boy)
god murugan
81.2k + Read More
Balaaditya (Boy)
Young sun,Young man
70.3k + Read More
Balabhadra (Boy)
One with power, strong, powerful
70.7k + Read More
Balachandra (Boy)
Young moon; Crescent moon
42.6k + Read More
Balada (Boy)
Bestower of Strength
79.4k + Read More
Baladhi (Boy)
Deep insight
59.2k + Read More
Baladhika (Girl)
50.5k + Read More
Baladhitya (Boy)
The newly risen sun
54.8k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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