Hindu Baby Name

Data Found (Start with: H)

Name Meaning Likes
HarshiniHappy52.1k +
HarshitaFull of happiness48.5k +
HavyaOffered in sacrifice36.2k +
HemaGolden53.8k +
HemantEarly winter70.5k +
HemendraLord of gold81.4k +
HetalFriendly56k +
HimaSnow61.4k +
HimanshuMoon59.5k +
HimeshLord of Snow40.5k +
HinaFragrance55.1k +
HiraDiamond41.8k +
HiralWealth65k +
HiranGold42k +
HiranmayMade of gold50.8k +
HiranmayiGolden66.7k +
HiranyaGolden81.5k +
HitaanshPart of heart64.7k +
HitaishiWell wisher39.4k +
HiteshLord of goodness35.5k +
Harshini (Girl)
52.1k + Read More
Harshita (Girl)
Full of happiness
48.5k + Read More
Havya (Unisex)
Offered in sacrifice
36.2k + Read More
Hema (Girl)
53.8k + Read More
Hemant (Boy)
Early winter
70.5k + Read More
Hemendra (Boy)
Lord of gold
81.4k + Read More
Hetal (Girl)
56k + Read More
Hima (Girl)
61.4k + Read More
Himanshu (Boy)
59.5k + Read More
Himesh (Boy)
Lord of Snow
40.5k + Read More
Hina (Girl)
55.1k + Read More
Hira (Girl)
41.8k + Read More
Hiral (Girl)
65k + Read More
Hiran (Girl)
42k + Read More
Hiranmay (Boy)
Made of gold
50.8k + Read More
Hiranmayi (Girl)
66.7k + Read More
Hiranya (Boy)
81.5k + Read More
Hitaansh (Boy)
Part of heart
64.7k + Read More
Hitaishi (Girl)
Well wisher
39.4k + Read More
Hitesh (Boy)
Lord of goodness
35.5k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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