Baby Name Encyclopedia

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Baby Names

Baby Names & Meanings

Choosing the perfect name for your baby can be a challenging decision, given the multitude of options available. Explore our curated collection of baby boy and girl names, allowing you to get as specific as you like, ensuring you find a unique and meaningful name for your little one.
Have a special name in mind or need some inspiration? Type in your keyword (it could be a meaning you love, a religion, etc.), and we’ll provide meanings and variations to help you decide

Data Found (Start with: F)

Name Meaning Likes
FarihaHappy, Joyful65.4k +
FariqLieutenant, Leader77.2k +
FarisKnight, Horseman42.7k +
FarishtaAngel, Fairy65.5k +
FariyaGift of God45.2k +
FarookOne who distinguishes truth from falsehood64.8k +
FarookhSprout, shoot, young (bird).44.3k +
FarukhPower of discrimination61.4k +
FaryalBeautiful, Angelic63.6k +
FatehVictory, Conqueror68.5k +
FatehbirBrave and victorious75.8k +
FatehdeepLamp of victory51.2k +
FatimaCaptivating, Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad38.4k +
FaujiSoldier66.9k +
FauziVictorious, Successful63.8k +
FauziaSuccessful, Victorious73.8k +
FawadHeart52.3k +
FawziSuccessful, Victorious54.4k +
FawziaSuccessful, Triumphant36.8k +
FazalGrace, Favour78.2k +
Fariha (Girl)
Happy, Joyful
65.4k + Read More
Fariq (Boy)
Lieutenant, Leader
77.2k + Read More
Faris (Boy)
Knight, Horseman
42.7k + Read More
Farishta (Girl)
Angel, Fairy
65.5k + Read More
Fariya (Girl)
Gift of God
45.2k + Read More
Farook (Boy)
One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
64.8k + Read More
Farookh (Boy)
Sprout, shoot, young (bird).
44.3k + Read More
Farukh (Boy)
Power of discrimination
61.4k + Read More
Faryal (Girl)
Beautiful, Angelic
63.6k + Read More
Fateh (Boy)
Victory, Conqueror
68.5k + Read More
Fatehbir (Boy)
Brave and victorious
75.8k + Read More
Fatehdeep (Boy)
Lamp of victory
51.2k + Read More
Fatima (Girl)
Captivating, Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
38.4k + Read More
Fauji (Boy)
66.9k + Read More
Fauzi (Boy)
Victorious, Successful
63.8k + Read More
Fauzia (Girl)
Successful, Victorious
73.8k + Read More
Fawad (Boy)
52.3k + Read More
Fawzi (Boy)
Successful, Victorious
54.4k + Read More
Fawzia (Girl)
Successful, Triumphant
36.8k + Read More
Fazal (Boy)
Grace, Favour
78.2k + Read More
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Baby Names by Origin

Selecting a baby name rooted in its origin offers a glimpse into diverse cultures worldwide! Explore the wealth of unique and uncommon names originating from your chosen culture, each imbued with beautiful meanings. Simply choose the culture you wish to draw inspiration from, and we’ll provide you with a curated list of names and their corresponding meanings.

Indian baby Names Hebrew Baby Names
Tamil Baby Names  
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Baby Names By Religion

When selecting a name for your baby, religion can significantly influence your choice. Simply select your religious preference, and we’ll present you with a curated list of unique and meaningful names. Choose from a range of traditional or modern religious baby names to find the perfect fit for your little one!

Hindu Baby Names Muslim Baby Names Punjabi Baby Names


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