Arabic Baby Names

Data Found (Start with: G)

Name Meaning Likes
GhaffarMost forgiving53.2k +
GhalibDominant, Superior45.5k +
GhaniRich, Wealthy47.7k +
GhassanYouth, Young man58k +
GhawthHelp, Assistance73.3k +
GhayurEarnest, Respected62.6k +
GhaziConqueror40.9k +
GhazwanOne who conquers77.8k +
GhufranForgiveness48.5k +
GhulamServant, Boy80.3k +
GhunaimOne who obtains booty58.4k +
Ghaffar (Boy)
Most forgiving
53.2k + Read More
Ghalib (Boy)
Dominant, Superior
45.5k + Read More
Ghani (Boy)
Rich, Wealthy
47.7k + Read More
Ghassan (Boy)
Youth, Young man
58k + Read More
Ghawth (Boy)
Help, Assistance
73.3k + Read More
Ghayur (Boy)
Earnest, Respected
62.6k + Read More
Ghazi (Boy)
40.9k + Read More
Ghazwan (Boy)
One who conquers
77.8k + Read More
Ghufran (Boy)
48.5k + Read More
Ghulam (Boy)
Servant, Boy
80.3k + Read More
Ghunaim (Boy)
One who obtains booty
58.4k + Read More

Arabic Baby Names

Discover a diverse array of Arabic baby names, each carrying rich meanings and deep cultural significance. These names blend tradition with uniqueness, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your heritage and personal preferences.

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