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9 Surprising Benefits of Ginger During Pregnancy | StarAndDaisy

9 Surprising Benefits of Ginger During Pregnancy

Ginger may be most used as a cooking spice or an aromatic garnish, but its medicinal properties are also well known. Ginger has been revered in traditional herbal medicine circles for thousands of years, from easing muscle and joint pain to boosting immunity. As such, it’s no surprise that many pregnant women take ginger supplements to help reduce nausea, morning sickness, and other common pregnancy symptoms. Here are nine surprising benefits of ginger during pregnancy you may not have known about before!

Prevents morning sickness

Some studies discovered that ginger could reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. For example, a 2003 study published in Obstetrics & Gynaecology found that after eight weeks of supplementing with four grams of powdered ginger per day, nausea was reduced by almost 80 percent in all subjects compared to controls.

Alleviates heartburn

Many women experience heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy, particularly during their second trimester. This happens due to increased progesterone and relaxin, two hormones that relax muscles in your digestive tract. In addition to soothing indigestion, ginger has also been shown to reduce nausea symptoms.

Eases constipation

If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably had to deal with constipation. One cause could be that your body has slowed down and is holding on to water to nourish your baby. A cup of ginger tea can help get things moving along again, so you don’t have to worry about feeling bloated. Add a couple of teaspoons of grated ginger root or a teaspoon of powdered ginger for best results.

Speeds up labour and delivery

A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine shows that taking 2,000 mg per day of ginger leads to significant increases in labour induction compared with standard care. Another study published in the Journal of ISGO found that women who took 1,000 mg of ginger every day were three times more likely to go into labour without induction than those who received no treatment.

Combats fatigue

A common side effect of pregnancy is fatigue, and there are several ways to fight it. One surprising way? Eat ginger! This root has been shown to help increase energy in pregnant women and their partners. So start using fresh ginger in your cooking, or if you’re feeling weak, try a ginger tea for a quick pick-me-up.

Reduces pain and swelling in the legs

Ginger is a common culinary spice with antispasmodic properties that have been used for thousands of years to treat common ailments. In addition to relieving gas and nausea, ginger has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help ease pain in sore legs caused by varicose veins or swelling in pregnant women.

Strengthens the immune system

By increasing circulation and helping to thin mucus, ginger can strengthen your immune system. This is particularly important during pregnancy when many women’s immune systems weaken because they’re producing more blood for their babies. As a result, ginger can help prevent you from getting sick during pregnancy and flu season.

Balances hormones

Women often experience hormone fluctuations during pregnancy, and ginger can help. Its active ingredient, gingerol, helps balance these hormones and reduce nausea while increasing a woman’s chances of conceiving. Studies have shown that women who take ginger supplements are more likely to get pregnant than those who don’t..

Improves digestion

One study found that women who drank ginger tea three times a day from 36 weeks pregnant through to delivery had a lower rate of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and were less likely to develop iron-deficiency anaemia. Ginger also helps improve digestion by activating digestive enzymes, reducing gas and bloating, reducing reflux symptoms, and preventing constipation.


Ginger is an amazing ingredient that helps you throughout your maternity journey. But, like always, consult a doctor before consuming it in any form. In case it causes any specific inconvenience to your body, stop consuming it anymore.

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