Hindu Baby Name

Name Meaning Likes
InderpreetLove for Lord Indra70k +
IndiraBeautiful37.7k +
IndrabhA celestial musician35.9k +
IndrakshiOne with beautiful eyes38.6k +
IndraniWife of Lord Indra47.5k +
IndranilSapphire68.5k +
IndrathaPower of Indra73.3k +
InduMoon76.4k +
IndubalaMoonlight77.8k +
IndukalaMoonlight37.1k +
IndulalMoon's lustre75.8k +
IndulalaMoon's glow72.8k +
IndulathaThe Earth53.1k +
IndulikaMoonlit62.8k +
IndumaliniMoonlight41k +
IndumatiFull Moon44.5k +
IndumukhiMoon-faced65.3k +
IndushekharCrested with Moon46.9k +
IndusmitaSmiling like the Moon72k +
IndusreeMoonlight77.6k +
Inderpreet (Unisex)
Love for Lord Indra
70k + Read More
Indira (Girl)
37.7k + Read More
Indrabh (Boy)
A celestial musician
35.9k + Read More
Indrakshi (Girl)
One with beautiful eyes
38.6k + Read More
Indrani (Girl)
Wife of Lord Indra
47.5k + Read More
Indranil (Boy)
68.5k + Read More
Indratha (Girl)
Power of Indra
73.3k + Read More
Indu (Girl)
76.4k + Read More
Indubala (Girl)
77.8k + Read More
Indukala (Girl)
37.1k + Read More
Indulal (Boy)
Moon's lustre
75.8k + Read More
Indulala (Girl)
Moon's glow
72.8k + Read More
Indulatha (Girl)
The Earth
53.1k + Read More
Indulika (Girl)
62.8k + Read More
Indumalini (Girl)
41k + Read More
Indumati (Girl)
Full Moon
44.5k + Read More
Indumukhi (Girl)
65.3k + Read More
Indushekhar (Boy)
Crested with Moon
46.9k + Read More
Indusmita (Girl)
Smiling like the Moon
72k + Read More
Indusree (Girl)
77.6k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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