Hindu Baby Name

Name Meaning Likes
DhariniEarth36.7k +
DharitriThe earth49.9k +
DharmaRighteousness61k +
DharmikRighteous70k +
DheemanIntelligent70.7k +
DheerajPatience39.6k +
DhirajPatience79.4k +
DhirenPatient, Tolerant57.8k +
DhrishnuThe Holy Spirit66.8k +
DhritiCourage70.3k +
DhritimanPatient, Steadfast42k +
DhrutiMotion, Patience40.1k +
DhrutikaUplift57.4k +
DhruvPole Star43.3k +
DhruvaUnshakeable, Firm41.2k +
DhwaniSound, Melody76.9k +
DikshaInitiation62.7k +
DipinLord of light47.4k +
DipitaRay of light71.5k +
DishaDirection60.4k +
Dharini (Girl)
36.7k + Read More
Dharitri (Girl)
The earth
49.9k + Read More
Dharma (Boy)
61k + Read More
Dharmik (Boy)
70k + Read More
Dheeman (Boy)
70.7k + Read More
Dheeraj (Boy)
39.6k + Read More
Dhiraj (Boy)
79.4k + Read More
Dhiren (Boy)
Patient, Tolerant
57.8k + Read More
Dhrishnu (Boy)
The Holy Spirit
66.8k + Read More
Dhriti (Girl)
70.3k + Read More
Dhritiman (Boy)
Patient, Steadfast
42k + Read More
Dhruti (Girl)
Motion, Patience
40.1k + Read More
Dhrutika (Girl)
57.4k + Read More
Dhruv (Boy)
Pole Star
43.3k + Read More
Dhruva (Girl)
Unshakeable, Firm
41.2k + Read More
Dhwani (Girl)
Sound, Melody
76.9k + Read More
Diksha (Girl)
62.7k + Read More
Dipin (Boy)
Lord of light
47.4k + Read More
Dipita (Girl)
Ray of light
71.5k + Read More
Disha (Girl)
60.4k + Read More

Hindu Baby Names

Discover a vibrant assortment of Hindu baby names, each imbued with deep meanings and cultural richness. These names reflect the diversity and spirituality of Hindu traditions, offering a perfect choice for your little one. Explore our curated list to find the ideal name that resonates with your beliefs and preferences.

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